
 99 Names of Allah ﷻ (Asma-ul-Husna)

﴾ألا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب﴿

یاد رکھو اللہ کے ذکر سے ہی دلوں کو تسلی حاصل ہوتی ہے

Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured. (Ar-Raad 13:28)

Note: It is virtuous to recite ﴾جل جلاله﴿ after each Asma-e-Husna. To know the benefits of reciting the individual Beautiful Names of Allah click here.




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Attributes of Allah


S. No. Arabic Transliteration Translation (can vary based on context) Qur’anic usage
1 الرحمن Ar-Raḥmān The Exceedingly Compassionate, The Exceedingly Beneficent, The Exceedingly Gracious Beginning of every chapter except one, and in numerous other places. Name frequently used in surah 55, Ar-Rahman [57 times in surah]
2 الرحيم Ar-Raḥīm The Exceedingly Merciful Beginning of every chapter except one, and in numerous other places [114 times in surah]
3 الملك Al-Malik The King, The Owner 59:23, 20:114, 23:116
4 القدوس Al-Quddūs The Holy, The Divine 59:23, 62:1
5 السلام As-Salām The Peace, The Source of Peace and Safety 59:23
6 المؤمن Al-Muʾmin The Guarantor, The Affirming 59:23
7 المهيمن Al-Muhaymin The Guardian 59:23
8 العزيز Al-ʿAzīz The Almighty, The Invulnerable, The Honorable 3:6, 4:158, 9:40, 48:7, 59:23
9 الجبار Al-Jabbār The Irresistible, The Compeller 59:23
10 المتكبر Al-Mutakabbir The Majestic, The Supreme 59:23
11 الخالق Al-Khāliq The Creator 6:102, 13:16, 39:62, 40:62, 59:24
12 البارئ Al-Bāriʾ The Evolver, The Developer 59:24
13 المصور Al-Muṣawwir The Fashioner, The Shaper, The Designer 59:24
14 الغفار Al-Ġaffār The Repeatedly Forgiving 20:82, 38:66, 39:5, 40:42, 71:10
15 القهار Al-Qahhār The Subduer 12:39, 13:16, 14:48, 38:65, 39:4, 40:16
16 الوهاب Al-Wahhāb The Bestower 3:8, 38:9, 38:35
17 الرزاق Ar-Razzāq The Provider 51:58
18 الفتاح Al-Fattāḥ The Opener, The Victory Giver 34:26
19 العليم Al-ʿAlīm The Knowing 2:158, 3:92, 4:35, 24:41, 33:40
20 القابض Al-Qābiḍ The Restrainer, The Straightener 2:245
21 الباسط Al-Bāsiṭ The Extender / Expander 2:245
22 الخَافِض Al-Khāfiḍ The Abaser 56:3
23 الرافع Ar-Rāfiʿ The Exalter 58:11, 6:83
24 المعز Al-Muʿizz The Giver of Honour 3:26
25 المذل Al-Muḏill The Giver of Dishonour 3:26
26 السميع As-Samīʿ The All Hearing 2:127, 2:256, 8:17, 49:1
27 البصير Al-Baṣīr The All Seeing 4:58, 17:1, 42:11, 42:27
28 الحكم Al-Ḥakam The Judge, The Arbitrator 22:69
29 العدل Al-ʿAdl The Utterly Just 6:115
30 اللطيف Al-Laṭīf The Gentle, The Subtly Kind 6:103, 22:63, 31:16, 33:34
31 الخبير Al-Khabīr The All-Aware 6:18, 17:30, 49:13, 59:18
32 الحليم Al-Ḥalīm The Forbearing, The Indulgent 2:235, 17:44, 22:59, 35:41
33 العظيم Al-ʿAẓīm The Magnificent 2:255, 42:4, 56:96
34 الغفور Al-Ġafūr The Much-Forgiving 2:173, 8:69, 16:110, 41:32
35 الشكور Aš-Šakūr The Grateful 35:30, 35:34, 42:23, 64:17
36 العلي Al-ʿAlī The Sublime 4:34, 31:30, 42:4, 42:51
37 الكبير Al-Kabīr The Great 13:9, 22:62, 31:30
38 الحفيظ Al-Ḥafīẓ The Preserver 11:57, 34:21, 42:6
39 المقيت Al-Muqīt The Nourisher 4:85
40 الحسيب Al-Ḥasīb The Bringer of Judgment 4:6, 4:86, 33:39
41 الجليل Al-Ğalīl The Majestic 55:27, 39:14, 7:143
42 الكريم Al-Karīm The Bountiful, The Generous 27:40, 82:6
43 الرقيب Ar-Raqīb The Watchful 4:1, 5:117
44 المجيب Al-Muğīb The Responsive, The Answer 11:61
45 الواسع Al-Wāsiʿ The Vast, The All-Embracing, The Omnipresent, The Boundless 2:268, 3:73, 5:54
46 الحكيم Al-Ḥakīm The Wise 31:27, 46:2, 57:1, 66:2
47 الودود Al-Wadūd The Loving 11:90, 85:14
48 المجيد Al-Mağīd All-Glorious, The Majestic 11:73
49 الباعث Al-Bāʿiṯ The Resurrecter 22:7
50 الشهيد Aš-Šahīd The Witness 4:166, 22:17, 41:53, 48:28
51 الحق Al-Ḥaqq The Truth, The Reality 6:62, 22:6, 23:116, 24:25
52 الوكيل Al-Wakīl The Trustee, The Dependable, The Advocate 3:173, 4:171, 28:28, 73:9
53 القوي Al-Qawwī The Strong 22:40, 22:74, 42:19, 57:25
54 المتين Al-Matīn The Firm, The Steadfast 51:58
55 الولي Al-Walī The Friend, Patron, and Helper 4:45, 7:196, 42:28, 45:19
56 الحميد Al-Ḥamīd The All Praiseworthy 14:8, 31:12, 31:26, 41:42
57 المحصي Al-Muḥṣī The Accounter, The Numberer of All 72:28, 78:29, 82:10-12
58 المبدئ Al-Mubdiʾ The Originator, The Producer, The Initiator 10:34, 27:64, 29:19, 85:13
59 المعيد Al-Muʿīd The Restorer, The Reinstater Who Brings Back All 10:34, 27:64, 29:19, 85:13
60 المحيي Al-Muḥyī The Giver of Life 7:158, 15:23, 30:50, 57:2
61 المميت Al-Mumīt The Destroyer, The Bringer of Death 3:156, 7:158, 15:23, 57:2
62 الحي Al-Ḥayy The Living 2:255, 3:2, 25:58, 40:65
63 القيوم Al-Qayyūm The Subsisting, The Guardian 2:255, 3:2, 20:111
64 الواجد Al-Wāğid The Perceiver, The Finder, The Unfailing 38:44
65 الماجد Al-Māğid The Illustrious, The Magnificent 85:15, 11:73,
66 الواحد Al-Wāḥid The One, The Unique 2:163, 5:73, 9:31, 18:110
67 الاحد Al-ʾAḥad The Unity, The Indivisible 112:1
68 الصمد Aṣ-Ṣamad The Eternal, The Absolute, The Self-Sufficient 112:2
69 القادر Al-Qādir The Able 6:65, 36:81, 46:33, 75:40
70 المقتدر Al-Muqtadir The Determiner, The Dominant 18:45, 54:42, 54:55
71 المقدم Al-Muqaddim The Expediter, He Who Brings Forward 16:61, 17:34,
72 المؤخر Al-Muʾakhkhir The Delayer, He Who Puts Far Away 71:4
73 الأول Al-ʾAwwal The First, The Beginning-less 57:3
74 الأخر Al-ʾAkḫir The Last, The Endless 57:3
75 الظاهر Aẓ-Ẓāhir The Manifest, The Evident, The Outer 57:3
76 الباطن Al-Bāṭin The Hidden, The Unmanifest, The Inner 57:3
77 الوالي Al-Wālī The Patron, The Protecting Friend, The Friendly Lord 13:11, 22:7
78 المتعالي Al-Mutaʿālī The Supremely Exalted, The Most High 13:9
79 البر Al-Barr The Good, The Beneficent 52:28
80 التواب At-Tawwāb The Ever Returning, Ever Relenting 2:128, 4:64, 49:12, 110:3
81 المنتقم Al-Muntaqim The Avenger 32:22, 43:41, 44:16
82 العفو Al-ʿAfū The Pardoner, The Effacer, The Forgiver 4:99, 4:149, 22:60
83 الرؤوف Ar-Raʾūf The Kind, The Pitying 3:30, 9:117, 57:9, 59:10
84 مالك الملك Mālik-ul-Mulk The Owner of all Sovereignty 3:26
85 ذو الجلال والإكرام Dhū-l-Ğalāli wa-l-ʾikrām The Lord of Majesty and Generosity 55:27, 55:78
86 المقسط Al-Muqsiṭ The Equitable, The Requiter 7:29, 3:18
87 الجامع Al-Ğāmiʿ The Gatherer, The Unifier 3:9
88 الغني Al-Ġanī The Rich, The Independent 3:97, 39:7, 47:38, 57:24
89 المغني Al-Muġnī The Enricher, The Emancipator 9:28
90 المانع Al-Māniʿ The Withholder, The Shielder, The Defender 67:21
91 الضار Aḍ-Ḍārr The Distressor, The Harmer, The Afflictor 6:17
92 النافع An-Nāfiʿ The Propitious, The Benefactor, The Source of Good 30:37
93 النور An-Nūr The Light 24:35
94 الهادي Al-Hādī The Guide, The Way 22:54
95 البديع Al-Badīʿ The Incomparable, The Unattainable 2:117, 6:101
96 الباقي Al-Bāqī The Immutable, The Infinite, The Everlasting 55:27
97 الوارث Al-Wāriṯ The Heir, The Inheritor of All 15:23, 57:10
98 الرشيد Ar-Rašīd The Guide to the Right Path 2:256, 72:10
99 الصبور Aṣ-Ṣabūr The Timeless, The Patient 2:153, 3:200, 103:3


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