Imam Azam Abu Hanifa
All that has been mentioned up to this point makes the importance of Fiqh
and the status of the Fuqaha very evident. It must be noted that amongst
the Four Great Imams of Fiqh, the most superior and blessed status has
been afforded to Imam Abu Hanifa and it is for this reason that even the
greatest Imams in History have referred to him as Imam-e-Azam ؓ◌.
The Imam of the Shafi’i Madhab, Hazrat Sayyiduna Imam Ash Shafi’i ؓ◌
‘All the Ulama and Fuqaha amongst the people are the descendants of Imam
Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ in the issue of Fiqh and Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ is the distant
ancestor. Without reading and studying his books neither can anyone
become a big Aalim nor can he become a Faqih.’
Imam Abu Hanifa Nu’man bin Thaabit ؓ◌ was born in Kufa. There is a
difference of opinion amongst the Ulama regarding the year of his birth,
some say 70 Hijri and some mention that he was born in the year 80 Hijri.
Shareh Bukhari Mufti Muhammad Shariful Haq Amjad الرحمه عليه says, ‘Many
people give preference to his birth being in 80 Hijri but many of the
Muhaqiqeen have given preference to 70 Hijri. According to this humble
servant (Shareh Bukhari), 70 Hijri is the correct date.’ His name was Nu’man
bin Thaabit and his title ‘Abu Hanifa’. Regarding the excellence of Imam
Abu Hanifa ؓ◌, Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhadith Delhwi ؓ◌ writes: ‘Some of the
Ulama have mentioned that mention of Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ has been made
in the Taurat. There is a narration from Hazrat Ka’ab bin Ahbar ؓ◌ that in
the Taurat which was revealed upon Hazrat Moosa , we have found that
Almighty Allah says; “There will be a Noor in the Ummat of Muhammadur
Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم and its title will be Abu Hanifa.” This is verified by the title
Siraajul Ummat which has been afforded to Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌. [Taáruf
Fiqh wa Tasawuf pg 225]
Allama Maufiq bin Ahmed Makki ؓ◌ (575 A.H.) reports that it is narrated on
the authority of Hazrat Abu Hurairah ؓ◌ that Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, ‘A man
will be born in my Ummat, who will be known as Abu Hanifa. He will be the lamp of
my Ummah on the Day of Qiyaamah.’ [Manaaqib lil Maufiq pg 50]
Hazrat Anas ؓ◌ reports that Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, ‘A person will be born in my
Ummat, who will be named Nu’man and his title will be Abu Hanifa. He will revive
the Deen of Allah and my Sunnah.’ [Manaaqib lil Maufiq pg 55]
Imam Abu Hanifa is a Taabi’ee
A Taabi’ee is one who saw a Companion of the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم with the
eyes of Imaan. This is the next level of excellence that has been awarded to
anyone after the status of the Companions of Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم. Hazrat Imam
Azam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ was afforded with the honour and the status of being a
Taabi’ee. Allama Ibn Hajar Makki ؓ◌ says, ‘It is reported from Imam Zahabi ؓ◌
and proven from an authentic narration that as a child, Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ was
blessed with seeing Hazrat Anas bin Maalik ؓ◌. He used to apply a reddish dye. Most
of the Muhaditheen agree that a Taabi’ee is one who saw any Sahabi.’ [Al
Khairaatul Hasaan pg 73]
One narration mentions that Hazrat Anas bin Maalik ؓ◌ passed from this
world in 90 Hijri and another narration mentions that he passed from this
world in 93 Hijri. In both cases, it would be correct to accept that Imam Abu
Hanifa ؓ◌ did make ziyarat of him. When Hafiz Ibn Hajar Shafi’i was asked
with regards to Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ being a Taabi’ee, he answered with the
following words, ‘Imam Abu Hanifa was blessed with seeing a Mubaarak
Jamaát of Sahaba-e-Kiraam. According to one narration he was born in 80
Hijri in Kufa. At that time, amongst the Sahaba-e-Kiraam that were present
in Kufa, was Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abu Ufa ؓ◌. He either passed away in 88
Hijri or just after that. At the same time, Hazrat Anas bin Malik ؓ◌ was in
Basra. He passed from this world in 90 Hijri or just after that. Ibn Sa’ad has
mentioned with a very authentic merit, that Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ saw
Hazrat Anas bin Malik ؓ◌. With the exception of these Sahaba-e-Kiraam,
numerous other Sahaba were present in numerous other cities at this time,
who lived after this. Imam Suyuti ؓ◌ says that Imam Abu Ma’shar Tabri
Shafi’i ؓ◌ mentioned Hadith in his books, which Imam Azam ؓ◌ mentioned
which he narrated from Sahaba-e-Kiraam عنهما�� عا �االله� ر. He mentions that
Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ met with the following seven companions of
:صلى الله عليه وسلم Rasoolullah
1. Sayyiduna Anas bin Malik 2. Sayyiduna Abdulla bin Haarith bin Jaza’
3. Sayyiduna Jaabir bin Abdullah 4. Sayyiduna Mu’qil bin Yasaar
5. Sayyiduna Waathila ibnil Asqa’ 6. Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Unais
Ajrad bint isha’A Sayyidatuna 7.
Imam Azam reported 3 Hadith from Hazrat Anas ؓ◌; 2 Hadith from
Sayyiduna Waathila ؓ◌; and 1 Hadith each from Sayyiduna Abdullah bin
Unais, Sayyidatuna A’isha bint Ajrad and Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Jaza’. He
also reported a Hadith from Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Abi Ufa ؓ◌ and all
these Ahadith are reported other than this chain of transmission as well.
[Tabayazus Sahifa pg 7] It is further mentioned in Durr-e-Mukhtar that
Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ met with twenty companions of Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم and it
has been mentioned in Khulaasa Akmaal fi Asma’ir Rijaal that he saw 26
Sahaba-e-Kiraam. If we accept that Imam Azam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ was born in
80 Hijri then it must be noted that the following Sahaba-e-Kiraam were still
physically in this world at that time in numerous cities. Those who are
known to have been physically in this world in that time are:
1. Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Abdul Qari [81 Hijri]
2. Hazrat Taariq bin Shihaab Kufi [82 Hijri]
3. Hazrat Umar bin Abu Salma [83 Hijri]
4. Hazrat Waathil ibnil Asqa [83, 85 or 86 Hijri]
5. Hazrat Abdullah bin Jaza’ [85 Hijri]
6. Hazrat Amr bin Hareeth [85 Hijri]
7. Hazrat Abu Umama Baahili [86 Hijri]
8. Hazrat Hazrat Qabisah bin Zuwaib [86 Hijri]
9. Hazrat Abdullah bin Abu Ufa [87 or 88 Hijri]
10. Hazrat Utbah bin Abdus Salma [87 Hijri]
11. Hazrat Miqdam bin Ma’di Kurb [87 Hijri]
12. Hazrat Sahl bin Sa’ad [88 or 91 Hijri]
13. Hazrat Abdullah bin Basr [88 or 96 Hijri]
14. Hazrat Abdullah bin Tha’lba [89 Hijri]
15. Hazrat Saa’ib bin Khilad [91 Hijri]
16. Hazrat Saa’ib bin Yazid [91, 92 or 94 Hijri]
17. Hazrat Mahmood bin Rabi’ [91 or 99 Hijri]
18. Hazrat Malik bin Aus [92 Hijri]
19. Hazrat Anas bin Malik [92, 93 or 95 Hijri]
20. Hazrat Malik ibnil Hawareeth [94 Hijri]
21. Hazrat Mahmood bin Lubaid [96 Hijri]
22. Hazrat Abu Umama Ansari [100 Hijri]
23. Hazrat Abu Tufail Aamir bin Waathila [102 or 110 Hijri]
24. Hazrat Abul Badah [117 Hijri]
His Character
Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ possessed exemplary character and moral values. Abu
Nu’aim ؓ◌ says as follows, ‘Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ had a pleasant face. He was
well dressed and fragrant and his gatherings were virtuous. He was a very
caring, kind person and showed much affection and care towards his
companions.’ Umar bin Ham’mad ؓ◌ says, ‘He was very handsome and well
dressed. He used a lot of fragrance. When he approached or when he
emerged from his home, the scent of his fragrance would reach there even
before he arrived.’ [Khateeb Baghdadi Vol 13 Page 330]
Hazrat Abdullah ibn-e-Mubaarak ؓ◌ said to Hazrat Sufyan Thauri ؓ◌,
‘Hazrat Imam Azam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ remained miles away from committing
gheebat. I have never ever heard of him backbiting in regards to any of his
opponents.’ Sufyan ؓ◌ said, ‘By Allah! He was a very intelligent person. He
did not wish to place any such thing of his good deeds which would be a
source of destroying his virtuous deeds.’ Once, a woman intended to sell a
bail of silk fabric to him. He asked her regarding the price of the fabric. She
mentioned that she would charge a 100 for it. He said that she was asking
for a very minimal price as the fabric was much more valuable. The lady
then said that she would charge 200. Again he objected and said that it was
too cheap, so she increased the price by another 100. This went on, until the
price reached 400. He said, ‘This is even more valuable than four hundred.’
She said, ‘Are you mocking me?’ He gave her 500 and then purchased the
fabric. His piety and truthfulness benefited his business instead of plunging
him into any loss. Subhaan’Allah! Look at the character and the manner in
which Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ did business.
His Fear for Allah and Piety
Hafiz Ibn Hajar ؓ◌ whilst discussing the piety and Allah fearing of Imam
Abu Hanifa writes as follows in Al Khairatul Hasaan: ‘Asad bin Amr ؓ◌ says
that at night, the sound of Imam Azam Abu Hanifa’s weeping could be
heard. He would weep to the extent that his neighbours would feel sad for
him. Waqi’ؓ◌ says that he was faithful and trustworthy and Allah’s
Grandeur and Magnificence was well embedded in his heart. He gave
precedence to the Pleasure of Allah, over everything else and even if he had
to be cut into pieces with a sword, he would not have left seeking the
pleasure of his Creator. His Rub became so pleased with him, like he is
pleased with an Abraar. Imam Azam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ was from amongst the
Abraar.’ [Al Khairatul Hasaan page 12]
Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mubaarak ؓ◌ says, ‘I have not seen a person more pious
than Imam Azam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌. What can be said about such a person,
before who heaps of wealth is placed, yet he does not even raise his eyes to
look towards it. He was lashed for this reason but still he remained patient.
What can be said about that person, who for sake of Allah’s Pleasure
endured hardships but he did not accept wealth and the like and he did not
desire (wealth or its like) like others usually do, for which people make
hundreds of excuses and efforts to attain it. By Allah! He was different from
all those scholars who desired that the world should follow them. He used
to flee from it. [Manaaqib lil Maufiq] After presenting a lengthy discussion
on Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ Imam Ibn Hajar Shafi’i ؓ◌ says, ‘When he would
perform his Namaaz at night then the sound of his tears falling on the grass
mat could be heard, just as one hears the raindrops fall. The sign of his
fasting could be seen in his eyes and on his face. (All I can say) is that, Allah
have Mercy on him and be pleased with him.’ [Al Khairatul Hasaan]
His abstention from the company of the Rulers
Once, the Abbasi Khalifa sent him 200 Dinars. He returned it by saying, ‘I
have no right over it’. Once, the Ameerul Mo’mineen of the era sent forth a
beautiful servant to him but he did not accept. He said, ‘I do all my chores
with my own hands. Thus, I have no need for a slave-girl (maid).’
Once, the Governor made a request to him by saying, ‘Sir! You should visit
me every now and then, so that I too may acquire some benefit.’ He boldly
replied, ‘What will I get from meeting with you? If you treat me with
compassion then I will fall within your payroll and if you become upset
with me and then distance me after granting me closeness then for me it is
a means of embarrassment. So, I have no need for the wealth which you
possess and none can rob me of the wealth (i.e. knowledge) which I possess.’
Love for His Parents
Even though he was blessed with such vast knowledge and excellence,
Imam Abu Hanifa was a humble and affectionate personality. He showed
dear love to his parents and honoured them with the honour that they
deserved. His mother would often pity him due to the hardships he was
forced to face in striving for the truth. Imam Azam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌
personally mentions the following: ‘When I would be lashed (for speaking
the truth), my mother would say to me; ‘Abu Hanifa! Knowledge has
brought you to this level of endurance. Leave this knowledge and live the
life of the ordinary people in the world.’ I said, ‘My Beloved Mother! If I
have to leave knowledge, how then will I attain the Pleasure of Allah?’
Imam Abu Hanifa says, ‘I give out 20 Dirhams of khairaat (charity of good
virtue) every Friday, for the Esaal-e-thawaab of my parents and I have
taken a vow for this. I give 10 dirhams for my father and 10 dirhams for my
mother.’ With the exception of this, he used to distribute other things as
Sadqa on behalf of his parents as well. [Al Khairatul Hasaan 196]
Imam Azam’s Intelligence and Insight
Imam Azam ؓ◌ was a very intelligent and wise personality. It was his
intelligence and wisdom that complimented his personality. Imam Ali bin
Aasim ؓ◌ says, ‘If the intelligence of Imam Azam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ had to be
weighed with the intelligence of half the people of the world then the
intelligence of Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ would supersede them all.’ A few
incidents relating to the intelligence of Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ are being
presented below.
First Incident: A man had an argument with his wife and during the course
of the argument; she had a cup of water in her hand and was walking
towards him with it. He said, ‘If you drink water from that cup, then there
are three Talaaqs upon you; if you drop it (pour it) onto the ground then
too there are three Talaaqs upon you; and even if you give it to some other
person to drink, there are three Talaaqs upon you.’ After his anger
subsided, he realised what he had done and thus took his case before the
learned Ulama but none could find a solution to stop the Talaaq from
applying on his wife. Finally, he went to Imam Azam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ and
presented his case. He said, ‘Put a rag into the cup and soak the water into
it. In this way, your condition will be fulfilled and your wife will be saved
from Talaaq.’
Second Incident: There was a wealthy Raafdhi (Shia) residing in the city of
Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌. He had an abundance of wealth. He always hosted
gatherings but during these gatherings, he would audaciously claim that
(Allah Forbid) Hazrat Uthman-e-Ghani ؓ◌ was a Jew. Hazrat Imam Azam
Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ went to his home. He recognised Imam Azam ؓ◌ based on his
knowledge and standing in the community. Imam Azam ؓ◌ commenced a
conversation with him and whilst talking to him, he said; ‘I have brought a
proposal of marriage for your daughter. He is the son of a Sayed and also a
very wealthy person. He has memorised the Qur’an-e-Paak and he stays
away for most parts of the night praying. In an entire night, he completes
the recitation of the entire Qur’an. He is very afraid of Allah.’ When the
Raafdhi heard this, he said, ‘Sir! It is very difficult to find a person of such
standing. Please be swift in this arrangement. I do not want any delays in
this. I have been in search of a son in-law like this.’ Imam Azam ؓ◌ said,
‘There is however one issue. He has such a quality which you will not be
pleased with.’ He asked what this was, so Imam Azam ؓ◌ said, ‘He is a Jewish
by faith.’ He said, ‘Being an Aalim, you are advising me to marry my
daughter to a Jew!’ Imam Azam ؓ◌ said; ‘If you are not willing to marry your
daughter to a wealthy and reputable Jew then could Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم have
given two of his daughters into the marriage of someone if he was a Jew?’
On hearing what Imam Azam ؓ◌ had to say, he immediately repented and
changed his view in regards to Hazrat Uthman ؓ◌. These incidents and all
that has been mentioned in this discussion point to the intelligence and
wisdom of Imam Azam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌. There is no doubt that he is Imam
Azam. Imam Abu Hanifa ؓ◌ passed from this world in 150 Hijri.
We pray that Almighty Allah showers the rains of Mercy over his Holy
Grave and blesses us through his Blessings and knowledge.