Sadrush Shariah Hazrat Allama Muhammad Amjad Ali
A Brief Account of The Author
Faqih-e-Azam Hind, Sadrush Shariah Hazrat Allama Muhammad Amjad Ali
والرضوان الرحمه عليه was amongst one of the most prominent and illustrious
personalities of India. Huzoor Sadrush Shariah, Badrut Tariqat Hazrat
Allama Shah Amjad Ali Aazmi the son of Hakim Jamaalud’deen, son of
Maulana Khuda Bakhsh, son of Moulana Khairud’deen was born at a place
known as Karimud’deen which is situated in the district of Ghosi, in the well
known town of Azamgarh in India. His father and grandfather both were
renowned scholars in Religious theology and expert specialists in Unani
medicine. When his grandfather, Hazrat Maulana Khuda Bakhsh الرحمه عليه went
to perform Hajj, he received the permission for the recitation of Dala’il alKhayrat in Madinatul Munawwarah from the Shaikhud Dalaa’il. He was also
a great Saahib-e-Karaamat. He received his elementary education from his
grandfather, thereafter studying under the watchful eye of elder brother
Maulana Muhammad Siddique الرحمه عليه. After completion of his elementary
studies, he was enrolled for higher education at the Madrassa Hanafiya in
Jaunpur. This was a very famous and reputable Islamic University in that
time. There, he studied under the guidance of a very reputable and
distinguished Aalim-e-Deen of the time, Jaami’ Ma’qulat Wa Manqulat,
Hazrat Allama Maulana Hidayatullah Khan Rampuri Jaunpuri, who passed
away in 1326/1908.
Maulana Hidayatullah Khan الرحمه عليه was the student of the personality, who
was known for first inspiring the Movement for Independence in India,
namely; The Imamul Falsafa, Mujahid-e-Jalil, Hazrat Allama Fazl-e-Haq
Khayrabadi الرحمه عليه. After observing his immense wisdom and acumen,
Ustaazul Asaatiza Allama Hidayatullah Khan, counted him amongst his most
reputable students which can be better understood from the words of
Allama Sayed Sulaiman Ashraf Bihari (Professor of the Religious Faculty at
Aligarh Muslim University): Hazrat Ustaazul Asaatiza was kind and
attentive towards all his students but he would place his special attention
over three of his students. He used to say, ‘I wish to take whatever is in my
heart and pass it on to these three students.’ (The 3 students being mentioned
were Maulana Muhammad Siddique, Maulana Amjad Ali and Maulana
Sulaiman Ashraf).
It is for this very reason that once his beloved teacher said as follows
regarding him: ‘I managed to find one (true) student and that too, in my old age.’
After completion of his studies in Jaunpur, on the request of his teacher, he
journeyed to Madrasatul Hadith in Pillibhit to specialise in Hadith where he
studied Hadith at the feet of Hafizul Hadith, Hujjatul Asr Allama Wasi
Ahmed Surti الرحمه عليه who passed away in 1334/1916. He graduated and
attained his Degree in 1320/1905. As a student, his teachers and
management of the Madrassa acknowledged his acumen and intellect alike.
This can be gathered from the report presented by the Director of the
Madrassa which he had published in Tohfa-e-Hanafiya in Patna. The report
reads as follows: ‘Alhumdulillah, Hazrat Maulana Maulvi Shah Muhammad
Salaamatullah Saheb Rampuri took the exams for our students on the 6th of Zil
Hijjah 1324. After completing the books of his course, Maulvi Amjad Ali also studied
the Sihah Sit’ta, Musnad Shareef, Kitaabul Athaar Shareef, Mu’atta Shareef,
Tahaawi Shareef with great enthusiasm and dedication throughout the year. He
studied by both listening and reading and thus, excelled in his examination with
distinction. The examiner was completely impressed with his ability, acumen,
intellect and talent. The Dastaar was then tied on his head.’
After graduating and acquiring his degree, he was immediately engaged as
the Principal of Madrassa Ahl-e-Sunnat which was one of the most
reputable Madrassas in Patna, Bihar. The excellence and repute of this
Madrassa can be understood from the fact that before the arrival of Huzoor
Sadrush Shariah الرحمه عليه illustrious personalities like the distinguished
student of Allama Fazl-e-Haq Khayrabadi, Allama Maulana Abdul Aziz
Mantaqi and Hafizul Hadith Huzoor Muhadith-e-Surti الرحمه عليه held the
positions of Shaikh-ul-Hadith at this Madrassa. The first book that he was
asked to teach whilst at the Madrassa was ‘The Hidaya Volume 2’. He
explained the issues presented therein with such proficiency and so clearly,
that the Ulama and all those present there were astonished. The Manager of
the Institute, Qazi Abdul Waheed awarded him the responsibility of
handling all the Educational Affairs of the Madrassa. After the passing away
of Qazi Abdul Waheed, he did not remain there for too long. He then
journeyed to Lucknow where he studied ‘Ilm-ut-Tibb’ for two years. After
completion of this course, he returned home and commenced serving the
people by starting a clinic. His clinic began to progress successfully. When
Huzoor Muhadith-e-Surti الرحمه عليه heard that Sadrush Shariah الرحمه عليه had
started practicing and had opened a clinic for this purpose, he became very
sad. At this time, The Faqih of Faqihs of the Century, The Imam amongst
Imams, the Great Reviver of Islam, A’la Hazrat Imam Ahl-e-Sunnat ؓ◌ Imam
Ahmed Raza Khan required the services of a teacher at the Darul-Uloom
Manzar-e-Islam. Sadrush Shariah then left his clinic and proceeded to
Bareilly. At Bareilly, he first served as a teacher. When Huzoor Sadrush
Shariah intended to visit Bareilly Shareef from Pilliphit, Huzoor Muhadithe-Surti الرحمه عليه wrote a letter to A’la Hazrat, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan ؓ◌
asking him to inspire him to continue in the field of Ilm-e-Deen. Within a
few months, Mujaddid-e-Deen-o-Millat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan ؓ◌
arranged for Sadrush Shariah to reside permanently in Bareilly Shareef. He
was entrusted with many responsibilities by Imam Ahmed Raza Khan ؓ◌.
Important affairs such as, The Educational Affairs of Madrassa Manzar-eIslam, The management of Anjuman Ahl-e-Sunnat, The management of the
printing press, arrangement of manuscripts, proofing of books that were
being prepared for publishing, issuing Fatawa and dispatching important
postage entrusted to him. Due to his potential and his devotion and
sincerity, Imam Ahmed Raza ؓ◌ looked at him with great respect and due to
this he had immense trust and faith in him. After approximately fifteen
years, he journeyed to Ajmer Shareef in 1343/1924 to take up the position
as Principal at Darul Uloom Mu’eenia Uthmania. He remained there until
1350 and quenched the thirst of those who came in search of knowledge.
The most intelligent and bright students travelled from all corners of the
country to humble themselves before him, quenching their thirst for true
knowledge and wisdom.
Shaykh-ul-Ulama Allama Ghulam Jilani Ghoswi writes: ‘The standard of
education at Darul Uloom Mu’eenia excelled to such a high level, that it became
famous all over. Students journeyed from the Northern Provinces, Bihar and
Hyderabad etc. to acquire knowledge from him, after hearing of his manner of
teaching. Those who lived in Ajmer Shareef say that never before did they see such
an atmosphere and environment of learning which they saw in his era.’
He returned to Bareilly Shareef in 1351 and for 3 years he served as a
teacher at the Darul Ifta. In 1354, Nawab Haji Ghulam Muhammad Khan
Sherwani, the Governor of Dadon Aligarh invited him to take up the post as
principal at Madrassa Haafizia Sa’eedia which he accepted. He remained
there for seven years and taught during this time with sincerity and
devotion, producing dynamic and capable scholars. He was truly proficient
in the art of teaching and instructing. With the exception of instructing the
students through the customary books and the set books, he also taught
them in other fields through other books as well. He taught the books that
were part of the syllabus but at the same time he taught those books that
were not part of the syllabus. He did this by explaining to students the
footnotes and commentaries in regards to these books. He used to even
spend time after Madrassa hours to tutor the students. He would even teach
in the days when there was no Madrassa. His manner of teaching and
instruction gained prominence throughout the country. He would explain
absolutely difficult and intricate issues to the students in a very simple
manner, that even a very weak student would be able to understand his
explanation. There came a time when the Aligarh Muslim University
intended to initiate a department which would specialise in Eastern
education which would allow students to study right and achieve an M.A.
and for this, they were in search of scholars who understood the current
day situation and the manner of instruction in the current day classroom.
Amongst those who were appointed to plan this faculty, was Sadrush
.عليه الرحمه Shariah
The Roving Ambassador of Islam Allama Abdul Aleem Siddiqi Meerati الرحمه عليه
presented the contents to a syllabus which he prepared, for correction and
setting, to Huzoor Sadrush Shariah (alaihi rahma). Whilst delivering a
discourse at the Annual Jalsa of Madrassa Haafizia Sa’eedia Maulana
Habibur Rahman Sherwani paid tributes to the Allama Amjadi Ali الرحمه عليه as a
person and as a professional with these words: ‘There are only four or five
teachers in the continent that I regard as completely proficient and appointed on
merit, and Maulana Amjad Ali is amongst them. The fact that students are
becoming Faazils at his hands and acquiring certificates of merit is clear evidence of
his proficiency. He is not just a Maulvi by name.’
When there was the need to appoint a Principal for Darul Uloom Manzar-eIslam, students were prepared and sent over to him for lessons. Huzoor
Hujjatul Islam Maulana Haamid Raza Khan ؓ◌ observed his manner of
teaching from a distance. After he had observed him teaching, he returned
and said as follows: ‘When Maulana Amjad Ali was answering the students, it
seemed like a vast sea that in which waves (of knowledge) were rising.’
It is the blessing of the teaching of Huzoor Sadrush Shariah الرحمه عليه that
those who are his students directly or indirectly can be found throughout
the globe today propagating Islam. There is probably not a single Madrassa
or Darul Uloom in the Indo-Pak sub-continent that does not have at least
one teacher that has not attained his blessings. His works in the field of
Fiqh are undoubtedly shining evidence of his services. Why should this not
be so, when with the exception of his special intelligence and expertise, he
was blessed with serving in the field of Jurisprudence as a Mufti under the
guidance of such a great and expert Jurist and Imam of the era, as Mujadide-Azam Imam Ahmed Raza الرحمه عليه a personality whose expertise and
proficiency in Fiqh is not only accepted by us but also the refuters. This is
the reason that not only did Mujadid-e-Azam acknowledge and have full
faith in his understanding of issues of Fiqh and in matters related to Fatawa.
However, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan had full confidence in Allama Amjad Ali
Khan on account of his diligence and competence in the mission entrusted
to him.
Whilst paying tribute to his excellence, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan ؓ◌ said:
‘You will find the quality of understanding the religion (Tafaqquh) to a greater
degree in Maulvi Amjad Ali incomparable to others present here. The reason being
that he is proficient in announcing, writing and examining the various Fatawa. He
writes down what I say in response to the inquiries sought in this behalf. He has an
adoptive nature and he grasps the point of the issue without much effort. He has
acquired familiarity with methods and procedures which are an asset for him in this
profession’ This alone shows that Imam Ahl-e-Sunnat acknowledged that
Huzoor Sadrush Shariah’s proficiency as a Mufti and regarded him as being
masterful in this regard. When the senior Ulama of the time would find
difficulty in resolving any issue, they would present their problems to
Huzoor Sadrush Shariah الرحمه عليه.
Once, Maulana Israar-ur-Rahmaan Saaheb of Hyderbad Dakkan sent a query
to him on the 18th of Rajab 1346 which consisted of a few issues that needed
to be resolved. In the beginning of his Istifta, he writes: ‘These issues are of
such a nature that not every one will be capable to write a satisfactory
answer to it. After much deliberation, I noticed that Almighty Allah,
through His Grace and Blessing, and through the blessing of the Holy
Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم made you worthy of this position. May Almighty Allah grant
you abundance in your knowledge, age, blessings and may the Muslims
benefit from your blessings. Aameen Thumma Aameen.’ Other learned and
great personalities like Hazrat Maulana Ziaúd’deen Pillibhiti الرحمه عليه, Imamun-Nahw Allama Ghulam Jilani Meerati الرحمه عليه and Khair-ul-Azkiya Maulana
Ghulam Yazdani Ghoswi also referred to him whenever they faced issues in
Fiqh etc which found difficult to resolve. Huzoor Sadrush Shariah الرحمه عليه
took Bai’at at the hands of the Mujadid-e-Deen-o-Millat Imam Ahl-e-Sunnat,
A’la Hazrat Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan ؓ◌. He was blessed with the
Khilafat and the Wakaalat from Huzoor A’la Hazrat ؓ◌ and great
personalities like Hazrat Allama Hashmati Ali Khan الرحمه عليه took the Bai’at of
A’la Hazrat ؓ◌ through the hands of Sadrush Shariah الرحمه عليه. Imam Ahmed
Raza Khan ؓ◌ admired his effort and his sincerity and devotion at the Darul
Ifta and in every other field that he partook in. He spent his days and nights
working and sincerely striving for the betterment of the Ummah. It was due
to this dedication and his striving sincerity that Imam Ahmed Raza ؓ◌ said:
‘Maulana Amjad Ali Sahib is a work machine’
Sadrush Shariah الرحمه عليه contributed greatly to the the initiation and
finalisation of the world-renowned translation of the Holy Qur’an by Imam
Ahmed Raza, entitled Kanz-ul-Imaan. It is regarded as the most unique
Urdu translation of the Holy Qur’an. Huzoor Sadrush Shariah was
fundamentally and psychologically capable as a religious scholar but he was
also conversant with the politics of the day. Whenever and wherever the
need arose, he defended and decorated the Muslims. Allah Almighty blessed
Huzoor Sadrush Shariah with proficiency in many different sciences and
branches of knowledge but he had an intrinsic inclination towards Tafseer,
Hadith and Fiqh. His expertise in Fiqh is why Imam Ahmed Raza ؓ◌
conferred the title ‘Sadrush Shariah’ to him. Huzoor Sadrush Shariah initially
started writing marginal notes on the voluminous book of Imam Abu Ja’far
Tahawi on Hadith, entitled ‘Sharh Ma’ani’ul Athar’ and in a short period of
seven months, he completed a comprehensive annotation of more than 450
pages on this masterpiece. Another distinguished work of Huzoor Sadrush
Shariah is his Fatawa Amjadia, which is in four volumes, comprising of
several of his Fatawa. Bahaar-e-Shariat is that universally acclaimed book of
Huzoor Sadrush Shariah which can be justifiably called the Encyclopaedia
of Hanafi Fiqh.
Huzoor Sadrush Shariah wrote 17 parts of the 20 part book. The remaining
three volumes were completed by his students. It must be noted that the
world renowned book Fatawa-e-Alamgiri also known as Hindiya was
compiled by the efforts of more than five hundred outstanding scholars at
that time. Huzoor Sadrush Shariah on the other hand, wrote the famous
Bahaar-e-Shariat single handedly. This book has been written in such a
beautiful and simple manner that not only can the Ulama make use of it but
even the general public is able to derive benefit through it.
A’la Hazrat Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan ؓ◌ personally listened to the
first six parts of Bahaar-e-Shariat as Huzoor Sadrush Shariah recited it to
him. After listening to the first six parts, Huzoor A’la Hazrat ؓ◌ mentioned
to Sadrush Shariah الرحمه عليه that he had his blessings to continue and there
was now no need to read it to him anymore. This was the confidence that
Imam Ahmed Raza ؓ◌ had in the work of Sadrush Shariah. Sadrush Shariah
found time to do all this even though he spent most of his time instructing
students. The students of Huzoor Sadrush Shariah الرحمه عليه include some of
the greatest Ulama of the time. Some of the names of his students are as
1. Sh’er Besha-e-Sunnat, Allama Hashmat Ali Khan
2. Muhadith-e-Azam Pakistan, Mufti Sardar Ahmed
3. Huzoor Mujahid-e-Millat, Allama Habibur Rahmaan
4. Imam-un-Nahw Allama Sayyid Ghulam Jilani Meerati
5. Hafiz-e-Millat Allama Abdul Aziz Muhaddith
6. Amin-e-Shari’at, Maulana Rifaqat Hussain Muzafarpuri
7. Shamsul Ulama Qadi Shamsud’deen Jaunpuri
8. Khairul Azkiya Allama Ghulam Yazdani Aazmi
9. Sayyidul Ulama Hazrat Sayed Aal-e-Mustafa Marehrawi
10. Fakhrul Amasil Allama Muhammad Sulaiman
11. Shaykh-ul-Hadith Hazrat Allama Abdul Mustafa Aazmi
12. Allama Abdul Mustafa Azhari (son of Sadrush Shariah)
13. Khalil-ul-Ulama Maulana Mufti Khalil Khan Barkaati
14. Shaykh-ul-Ulama Hazrat Allama Ghulam Jilani Ghoswi
15. Ra’is-ul-Muhaditheen Allama Mubinud’deen Amrohwi
16. Abul Mahasin Allama Mohammad Mohsin
17. Faqih-e-Azam Allama Mufti Sharif-ul-Haq Amjadi
18. Hazrat Maulana Mohammed Ilyas Siyalkoti
19. Hazrat Maulana Mufti Mohammed A’jaz Razvi
20. Hazrat Maulana Mufti Waqarud’deen Amjadi
21. Hazrat Maulana Taqaddus Ali Khan
There were also many great and blessed personalities in the time of Huzoor
Sadrush Shariah who would be regarded as his contemporary Ulama. Some
of the contemporary scholars in the time of Huzoor Sadrush Shariah were
as follows:
1. Sadrul Afadil Allama Sayyid Na’imud’deen Muradabadi
2. Hujjatul Islam, Allama Hamid Raza Khan
3. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind Allama Mustafa Raza Khan
4. Malikul Ulama Allama Zafrud’deen Bihari
5. Umdatul Mutakal’limin Sayyid Sulaiman Ashraf Bihari
6. Hazrat Allama Sayyid Ahmed Ashraf ibn Ashrafi Miya
7. Muhadith-e-Azam Hind Sayed Muhammad Kichauchavi
8. Hazrat Maulana Hakim Barakat Tonki
9. Hazrat Allama Wakil Ahmed Sikandarpuri
10. Hazrat Allama Maulana Fadl-e-Haq Rampuri
11. Hazrat Allama Mu’inud’deen Ajmeri
12. Hazrat Maulana Noorul Hasan Rampuri
14. Maulana Qadi Abdul Wahid Sahib
15. Hazrat Allama Ziaud’deen Pilibhiti
16. Mubaligh-e-Islam Allama Abdul Aleem Siddiqi Meerati
17. Hazrat Maulana Sayyid Misbahul Hassan
Huzoor Sadrush Shariah الرحمه عليه blessed some great and learned personalities
with his Khirqa. In other words, he honoured them with being amongst his
Khulafa. Some of the names of his Khulafa are as follows:
1. Sher Besha-e-Sunnat, Allama Hashmat Ali Khan
2. Muhadith-e-Azam Pakistan Maulana Sardar Ahmed
3. Hafiz-e-Millat Allama Abdul Aziz Muhadith-e-Muradabadi
4. Shaykh-ul-Ulama Allama Ghulam Jilani Aazmi
5. Mufti-e-Azam Kanpur, Mufti Rifaqat Husain Kanpuri
6. Hazrat Allama Hafiz Qari Muhammad Muslihud’deen Siddiqui (Uncle and father inlaw of Mujahid-e-Ahle Sunnat Allama Sayed Shah Turab-ul-Haq Qaadiri Razvi Noori)
7. Allama Ghulam Yazdani Ghoswi
Huzoor Sadrush Shariah الرحمه عليه married four wives and was blessed with
many pious children from all his wives. Below are the names of his
respected wives and children:
1st wife: Mohtarama Karima Khatun Sahiba:
• Hakim Shamsul Huda Marhum
• Zubeda Khatun marhuma
• Maulana Mohammed Yahya Marhum
• Allama Abdul Mustafa Azhari Marhum
• Allama Ata-ul-Mustafa Marhum
2nd wife: Mohtaramah Safiy an Nisa Sahiba
• Ra’isa Khatun Marhuma
3rd wife: Mohtarama Rabi’a Khatun Sahiba
• Muhammad Ahmed Marhum
• Qari Raza-ul-Mustafa Sahib
4th wife: Mohtarama Hajra Bibi Sahiba
• Mohtarama Sa’ida Khatun Marhuma
• Mohtarama Aisha Khatun
• Muhadith-e-Kabeer, Hazrat Allama Maulana Zia-ul-Mustafa Qaadiri
• Muhammad Marhum
• Maulana Sana-ul-Mustafa Sahib
• Allama Baha-ul-Mustafa Sahib
• Maulana Fida-ul-Mustafa Sahib
Huzoor Sadrush Shariah travelled from this mundane world into the
hereafter on Monday, the 2nd of Zil Qadah 1327 Hijri, coinciding 6th
September 1948 at 11pm whilst intending to journey for his second Hajj and
Ziyaarat. Allah ta’aala, grant him a special closeness in the shade of His
Mercy. Aameen