Nabi Ka Lab Par Jo Zikar Hai Be Misaal Aaya Kamaal Aaya
Jo Hijar Tayyeba Mein Yaad Ban Kar Khayaal Aaya Kamaal Aaya

Teri Duaon Hi Ki Badolat Azabِ Rab Se Bachay Hue Hain
Jo Haq Mein Ummat Ke Tery Lab Par Sawal Aaya Kamaal Aaya
Nabi Ka Lab Par Jo Zikar Hai Be Misaal Aaya Kamaal Aaya

Garoor Hurron Ka Toor Dalla Laga Ke Maathey Pay Till Khuda Ne
Jo Kalay Rang Ka Ghulam Tera Bilal Aaya Kamaal Aaya
Nabi Ka Lab Par Jo Zikar Hai Be Misaal Aaya Kamaal Aaya

Nabi Ki Aamad Se Noor Phela Fiza E Shab Par Nikhaar Aaya
Chaman Mein Kaliyon Ke Rukh Pay Husn O Jamal Aaya Kamaal Aaya
Nabi Ka Lab Par Jo Zikar Hai Be Misaal Aaya Kamaal Aaya

Umar Ki Jurrat Pay Jaoon Qrban Ke Jis Se Shetan Bhi Hai Larza
Umar Ke Anay Se Kufar Par Jo Zawaal Aaya Kamaal Aaya
Nabi Ka Lab Par Jo Zikar Hai Be Misaal Aaya Kamaal Aaya

Nabi To Saim Sabhi Hain Aala Hain Rutbey Sab Ke Azeem O Baala
Magar Jo Aakhir Mein Amina Ka Woh Laal Aaya Kamaal Aaya
Nabi Ka Lab Par Jo Zikar Hai Be Misaal Aaya Kamaal Aaya
Jo Hijar Tayyeba Mein Yaad Ban Kar Khayaal Aaya Kamaal Aaya



Law: To make Qailullah1 is permissible, and actually Mustahab.
Perhaps this is for those who stay up performing Namaaz at night,
engrossed in Zikr-e-Ilahi2
, or those who spend (lengthy periods at
night) going through Kitaabs or those engrossed in studying
religious literature, so that the fatigue that is felt from staying awake
at night may be alleviated through Qailullah.
Law: To sleep at the start of day or to sleep between Maghrib and
Esha is Makruh. In sleeping, it is Mustahab (desirable) to sleep with
Tahaarat (wudu) and to sleep for a short while on the right side, by
keeping the right hand under the cheek, facing the direction of the
Qibla, thereafter one may sleep on the left side. When going to sleep,
think about sleeping in the grave, as there, you will have to sleep all
alone. Except for your A’maal (deeds), no one else will be
with you. When going to sleep, engross yourself in the remembrance
of Allah. Recite Tahleel, Tasbeeh and Tamheed3 (i.e. recite the Kalima
declaring Oneness of Allah, Glorify Allah, and Praise Allah), until you
fall off to sleep doing this, for a person rises in the condition in
which he sleeps. A person will be raised on the day of Qiyaamat in
the condition in which he dies. Rise before dawn after sleeping and
on awakening, immediately remember Allah by reading ـُد ْ
Immediately (after reading this), make a firm
intention that you will live piously and be Allah fearing and that you
will not cause trouble to anyone. [Alamgiri]

  1. Qailullah refers to a mid-afternoon nap.
  2. Zikr-e-Ilahi refers to the Remembrance of Allah.
  3. Tahleel, Tasbeeh, and Tamheed are to recite the third kalmia declaring the Oneness of Allah,
    To Glorify Allah, and to Praise Allah.
    Law: There are three circumstances related to conversing after
    (1) The first is on knowledgeable discussions. This is to
    query regarding an Islamic Ruling from someone, to give the
    answer to an Islamic query, or to do research or analysis regarding it.
    This type of discussion (conversation) is more virtuous than
    (2) The second is about narrating false stories and tales,
    clowning, and sitting around making jokes. This is Makruh.
    (3) The third is about having mutual conversations, such as
    between husband and wife, or having a conversation with a guest to
    make him feel welcome. This is permissible. When having such
    conversations, then end them with the remembrance of Allah and by
    making Tasbeeh and Istighfar (repenting from all sins).
    Law: For two men to sleep naked, covered with one sheet is not
    permissible, even if one is sleeping on one end of the bed and the
    other is on the other end of the bed. Similarly, it is also not
    permissible for two females to sleep naked, covered in one sheet.
    The prohibition regarding this has been mentioned in the Hadith.
    Law: When a boy and a girl reach the age of ten, they should be
    made to sleep separately. In other words, when a boy becomes grown
    up, he should not be allowed to sleep together with his mother or
    sister or with any other woman. He can only sleep together with his
    wife or with his handmaid (Baandi). A boy of that age should
    not even be allowed to sleep together with boys of the same age or
    with other men as well. [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Raddul Muhtar]
    Law: When a husband and wife sleep on one bed, then they should
    not allow a ten-year-old child to sleep with them. When a boy
    reaches the age of lust, then his ruling is the same as that of an adult
    male. [Durr-e-Mukhtar]
    Law: None has the right to leave the (common) road and walk (i.e. to
    trespass) on the property belonging to someone else. However, if
    there is no road there, then he may walk on the property, until such
    time that the owner of the property prohibits it. One is not
    permitted to walk on that property (if prohibited by the owner). This
    rule is only about a single particular individual. However, if
    there are many people (walking there), then unless the owner of the
    property is not pleased with it, they should not walk there. If there is
    water on the road and the property is alongside the road, (then) in
    such a situation one may walk there. [Alamgiri]
    The land is already cultivated at times, and it is obvious that walking
    there causes loss to the farmer. In such a circumstance, one should
    never trespass (walk there). At times the farmers even place thorns
    alongside the edges where there is the likelihood of (people) trespassing.
    This is clear proof that he is prohibiting anyone from walking there,
    but some people do not even take heed of this. They should know
    that walking there in such a condition is prohibited.


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