Ae Kash Unke Dar Par Youn Maut Aaye Lyrics In Urdu

Ae Kash Unke Dar Par Youn Maut Aaye Lyrics In Urdu


Ae Kash Unke Dar Par Youn Maut Aaye Lyrics In Urdu
Ae Kash Unke Dar Par Youn Maut Aaye Lyrics In Urdu

اے کاش اُنکے در پر یوں موت میری آئے

نذرِ جھکی ہو میری دل نعت گنگنائے

میرے رب مجھے عطا ہو در مصطفیٰ کا منظر

وہ حسین سبز گنبد میری آنکھوں میں سمائے

میں چلونگا جھوم کر پھِر خُلدِ بری کی جانب

جو شفیع روزِ محشر میری ہر خطا مٹائے

آغوش کھولے جنت اسکو پکارتی ہے

جو شخص اپنی ماں کے قدموں میں لیٹ جائیں

میری زندگی کا مقصد ہو غلامئی پیمبر

رہے جستجو یہ دل میں بس اسی میں موت آئے

یہ آرزو ہے میری یہ غلام اُنکے در پر

روکے انکو اپنے حالات غم سنائے

یہ تمیم کی دعا ہے حالاتِ پر علم میں

مُجھ پر کرم ہو آقا رہے رحمتوں کے سائے



Since Âdam ’alaihis-salâm, there was namâz once a day in
every religion. All that had been performed were brought together
and were made fard (commandment) for those who believe in
Muhammad ’alaihis-salâm. Although performing namâz is not one
of the principles of îmân, îmân needs to believe that
namâz is fard.
Namâz is the main pillar of the religion. He who performs his
namâzes constantly, correctly, and completely will have set up his
religion and he will have made the building of Islam stay intact.
Those who do not perform namâz will have demolished their
religion and the building of Islam. Our Prophet “sall-Allâhu ’alaihi
wa sallam” said, “The head of our religion is namâz.” As no
human can live without a head, it is not possible to have religion
without namâz.

In Islam, namâz is the first command after having îmân. Allahu
ta’âlâ made namâz fard so that His slaves would worship only Him.
Allahu ta’âlâ commands “Perform namâz!” in more than one
hundred verses of the Qur’ân al-karîm. In a hadîth-i sherîf, it is
declared that “Allahu ta’âlâ commanded to perform namâz five
times every day. Allahu ta’âlâ has promised that He shall put in
Paradise is the person who performs namâz respectfully and
observes the conditions five times every day.”

Namâz is the most valuable of worship commanded in our
religion. A hadîth-i sherîf declares: “A Person who does not
perform namâz has not had a share from Islam.” In another
hadîth-i sherîf, it was stated: “It is namâz which distinguishes the
Muslim from the disbeliever,” that is, the Believer performs
namâz, and the disbeliever does not. Munâfiqs (hypocrites),
however, sometimes perform it and sometimes do not. Munâfiqs
will undergo very bitter torment in Hell. Rasûlullah “sall-Allâhu
’alaihi wa sallam” said, “Those who do not perform namâz will
find Allahu ta’âlâ angry on the Day of Resurrection.”
To perform namâz is to consider the greatness of Allahu ta’âlâ
and to realize one’s inferiority before Him. A person who

realizes this will always do good things. He will never do evil
things. If a person intends to be in the presence of his Rabb (Allah)
five times every day, his heart will be filled with ikhlâs (sincerity).
Every act commanded to be done in namâz gives various benefits
to the heart and the body.

Performing namâz in jamâ’at in mosques will attach Muslims’
hearts to one another. It will bring about love between them. They
will realize that they are brothers. The seniors will be affable with
the juniors. And the juniors will be respectful to the seniors. The
rich will be helpful to the poor, and the powerful to the weak. The
healthy will visit the sick in their homes as they will miss them in
the mosque. For being blessed with the glad tidings given in the
hadîth-i sherîf, “Allah is the helper of a person who runs to help
his brother-in-Islam,” they will race one another.

Namâz prevents people from doing nasty, bad, and forbidden
things. It becomes atonement for sins. In a hadîth-i sherîf, it is
declared, “The five daily prayers are like a river which runs before
your house. If one washed himself in that river five times every
day, there would be no dirt left on him. Likewise, minor sins of
those who perform the five daily prayers are forgiven.”
After having faith in Allahu ta’âlâ and His Messenger ’alaihissalâm, namâz is superior to all other deeds and worships.
Therefore, it is necessary to perform it by observing its fards,
wâjibs, sunnats, and mustahabs. Our Prophet “sall-Allâhu ’alaihi
wa sallam” declared in one of his hadîth-i sherîfs, “O my Umma
(Community) and my Companions! A namâz performed by
observing its rules completely is the most superior of all the deeds
that Allahu ta’âlâ loves. It is a sunnat of the Prophets. It is loved
by Angels. It is the light of ma’rifa, the earth, and the skies
(Ma’rifa: Knowledge about Allahu ta’âlâ’s Dhât [Person]
and Attributes). It is the power of the body. It is the abundance of
the sustenance. It causes prayers to be accepted. It is an intercessor
against the Angel of Death. It is a light in the grave. It is an answer
to Munkar and Nakîr (Questioning Angels in the Grave). It is a
shade over one in the Day of Rising. It is a trench between oneself
and the fire of Hell. It makes one pass over the Sirât Bridge like
lightning. It is the key to Paradise. It is one’s crown in Paradise.
Allahu ta’âlâ has not given anything more important than namâz
to the Believers. He would bestow upon the Believers any other
worship first if there were a superior one. For, some of the angels
are constantly in the qiyâm, some in the rukû’, some in the sajda,

some in the tashahhud. He gathered all of these in one rak’at of
namâz and gave them as a present to the Believers. For, namâz is
the head of îmân, the pillar of the religion, the word of Islam and
the mi’râj of the Believers. It is the light of the sky. It is the rescuer
from Hell.
One day, Hadrat Ali could not perform the late afternoon
prayer in its due time. Out of his agony, he threw himself to the
ground. Moaning, he wept and cried. When our Prophet
Muhammad Mustafâ “sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam” learned of the
situation, and with his Companions, he went to Hadrat Ali “radîAllâhu ’anh.” When he saw his state, our Prophet, the Master of
the worlds, “sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam,” began to weep. He
invoked Allahu ta’âlâ. The sun re-appeared. Our Master
Rasûlullah “sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam” told Hadrat Ali, “O Ali!
Raise your head. The sun is still visible.” Hadrat Ali “radî-Allâhu
’ Anh” greatly rejoiced. He performed his namâz.

One night, Hadrat Abû Bakr Siddîq “radî-Allâhu ’anh” had
worshipped much and fell asleep towards the end of the night. The
time of witr prayer expired. In the morning prayer, he followed our
Master, the Prophet. He came to the gate of the masjîd, and he
cried. He begged, “O Rasûlallah! Help me, the time of my witr
namâz has lapsed.” Our Master Rasûlullah started weeping too.
Upon this, Jabrâil ’alaihis-salâm came and said, “O Rasûlullah!
Tell Siddîq that Allahu ta’âlâ has forgiven him.”

One night Hadrat Bâyazîd-i Bistâmî “quddîsa sirruh,” a great
walî, could not wake up for the morning prayer. He wept and
moaned so much that he heard a voice, “O Bâyazîd! I have
forgiven this fault of yours. I have given you the rewards of seventy
thousand namâzes due to your weeping.” Several months later, he
was overwhelmed with sleep again. The Satan came and awoke
him by holding his blessed foot. He said, “Get up, the time of your
namâz is about to lapse!” Hadrat Bâyazîd-i Bistâmî asked, “O
accursed! How can you do such a thing? You want everyone not to
perform his prayer in its due time. Why have you awakened me?”
The Satan answered, “You attained the thawâb of seventy
thousand namâzes by weeping on the day you missed the morning
prayer. Considering this, I woke you up so that you will attain the
thawâb of only one namâz, not seventy thousand namâzes!”
Hadrat Junayd-i Baghdâdî, a great walî, said, “An hour of this
worldly life is better than one thousand years on the Day of
Judgement. For, in this one hour, one can do a pious and accepted

deed; however, it is impossible to make anything in those one
thousand years.” Rasûlullah “sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam” said,
“Allahu ta’âlâ will keep a person, who performs a namâz after its
time is over, in Hell for eighty hukbas.” One hukba is equal to
eighty years of the Hereafter. One day of the Hereafter equals one
thousand worldly years.

Therefore, O my brother in religion! Do not waste your time
with useless things. Appreciate the value of your time. Pass your
time doing the best things. Our beloved Prophet ’alaihis-salâm
said, “The greatest affliction is to pass the time with useless
things!” Perform your namâzes in their due times so that you will
not be sorry on Judgement Day and you will attain many
rewards! In a hadîth-i sherîf, it is declared, “Seventy thousand
trenches will be opened to a person who has not performed one of
the daily prayers in its due time and passed away before making
qadâ of it. He will be tormented (in his grave) until the Last Day.”
A person who does not perform a namâz within its prescribed time
intentionally; that is, if he is not sorry for not performing a namâz
while its prescribed time is ending, will become a kâfir or he will
lose his îmân while he dies. What will become of those who do not
remember namâz or see namâz as a duty? The scholars of the four
Madhhabs unanimously declared that anyone who slights namâz,
who does not accept it as a duty will be a murtadd, that is,
a disbeliever. Also, Hadrat Abdulghânî Nablusî stated in his book
“Hadîqatun Nadiyya”, in the chapter titled “The afflictions of the
tongue” that a person who does not perform namâz knowingly and
who does not want to make qadâ of it and who does not fear that
he will be tormented for this reason will be a murtadd, that is
a disbeliever.

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