Kya Mahekte He Mahekne Wale Naat Lyrics

Kya Mahekte He Mahekne Wale Naat Lyrics


Kya Mahekte He Mahekne Wale

Boo Pe Chalte He Bhatakne Wale


Jagmaga Uthi Meri Gor Ki Khak

Tere Qurban Chamakne Wale


Mahe Bedag Ke Sadqe Jaun

Yun Damakte He Damakne Wale


Arsh Tak PHeli He Tabe Ariz

Kya Jhalakte He Jhalakne Wale


Gule Taiba Ki Sana Gate He

Nakhle Tooba Pe Chahekne Wale


Asiyo! Tham Lo Daman Un Ka

Wo Nahin Hath Jhatakne Wale


Abre Rehmat Ke Salami Rehna

Phalte He Paude Lachakne Wale


Arey Ye Jalwa Gahe Janan He

Kuch Adab Bhi He Phadakne Wale


Sunniyo! Un Se Madad Mange Jao

Pade Bakte Rehte He Bakne Wale


Sham’e Yade Rukhe Janan Na Bujhe

Khaq Ho Jaee Bhadakne Wale


Maut Kehti He Ke Jalwa He Qareeb

Ek Zara So Lein Bilakne Wale


Hum Bhi Khumhlane Se Gafil The Kabhi

Kya Hansa Gunche Chatakne Wale


Nakhl Se Chhutke Ye Kya Hal Huwa

Ah! O Patte Khadakne Wale


Jab Gire Munh Sooye Maikhana Tha

Hosh Me He Ye Behekne Wale


Dekh O Zakhme Dil Ape Ko Sambhal

Phoot Behte He Tapakne Wale


Mae Kahan Aur Kahan Main Zahid

Yun Bhi To Chhakte He Chhakne Wale


Kafe Dariyae Karam Me He Raza

Panch Fawware Chhalakne Wale




Power of Istighfar and its Benefits from the Quran

Power of Istighfar and its Benefits from the Quran

Meaning of Istighfar
Istighfar also known as Astaghfirullah is the act of seeking forgiveness from Allah. We ask forgiveness from Almighty Allah by repeating the Arabic words Astaghfirullah, which means “I seek forgiveness from Allah.” Istighfar means to get strength from Allah to refrain from sin and evil and to be able to display this strength to refrain from sin. We should always seek forgiveness from Almighty Allah as He is The Most Merciful.
Power of Istighfar
Power of Istighfar and its Benefits from the Quran
People often forget the importance of the simple yet powerful Dua Istighfar i.e., saying “Astaghfirullah”.  It is the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (SAW) to seek Istighfar 100 times daily. In the Holy Quran, Istighfar is seen as portraying the strength and support of Allah which leads to attaining closeness to Allah and redemption.
The Holy Quran states: “But surely the righteous will be in the midst of gardens and springs, receiving what the Lord will give them; for they used to do good before that. They used to sleep but a little of the night; and at the dawn of the day they sought forgiveness…” (Quran, 51:16-19)
From the above verse, we can conclude that we should always seek forgiveness and try to do our best to get the pleasure of Almighty Allah because Istighfar is one of the righteous deeds and is the recipient of countless blessings. In another verse, Allah Almighty says: “Truly, Allah loves those who repent, and He loves those who cleanse themselves.” (Quran, 2:222)
We do Istighfar not necessarily after committing a sin or an act of disobedience to Almighty Allah but it also includes our shortcomings. Allah loves those who seek forgiveness and repent and makes them clean of sins by seeking Allah’s forgiveness. Istighfar is also a means of building up that awareness of Allah and strengthening our relationship with Him. We turn to no one except Allah in repentance. We confess our deepest errors, shortcomings, failures, and sins to Him and we ask forgiveness from Him alone by doing Istighfar.
Benefits of Istighfar from Quran
As we know the importance of Istighfar now let’s discuss some virtues and benefits of reciting the simple and beautiful supplication that is “Astaghfirullah”.

Get Dignity (Grace) from Almighty Allah:

Grace is the most important thing that we need to do something or for doing some activities. Without Allah’s grace, all of our doings will be not accepted by Allah Almighty and they will be useless.

In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty stated: “Seek forgiveness (of) your Lord and turn in repentance to Him, He will let you enjoy a good for a term appointed. And give (to) every owner (of) grace His Grace. But if you turn away then indeed, I fear for you (the) punishment (of) a Great Day.”(Quran, 11:3). From this verse we conclude that if we seek Allah’s forgiveness and do good deeds then we get His grace otherwise we will get punished on the Day of Judgment.

Give Joy and Rizq to the Prayer:

Muslim who always does Istighfar will be happy in his life because there are pleasures and rizq that will come to him. The life will become easier and he will welcome every day with happiness. Istighfar opens the door of sustenance. Prophet (SAW) said, “Whoever is always in the state of affairs, then Allah will give the joy of sadness, and the spaciousness of its narrowness and give it the rizq from an unexpected direction.” (Ibn Majah)

Avoid Punishment:

A person who constantly and regularly does Istighfar will be forgiven by Allah Almighty. Allah will not punish the people who always do Istighfar. The Istighfar that we rejoin with a great deal of appreciation and guilt will also be able to withstand the coming of suffering and failure. Allah says in the Holy Quran: “But not is (for) Allah that He punishes them while you (are) among them, and not is Allah the One Who punishes them while they seek forgiveness.”(Quran, 8:33). So we can say that Istighfar opens the door of mercy.

From Istighfar one can improve himself: 

We as a human often make mistakes, are often tempted, neglectful of established rules. Humans should be punished for their misdeeds, but Allah delayed the punishment to the Hereafter. Before the deadline which is the Day of Judgment, humans are allowed to improve themselves by repenting. In the first step of self-improvement, he emphasized the need for self-approach which is called Istighfar.

Astaghfirullah also helps us to refrain from all forms of sins. Regularly saying this reminds us that Allah is everywhere and in this way, there are very small chances of doing wrongful actions. So from Istighfar, we can improve ourselves by staying away from bad deeds and doing righteous deeds.

Increase in Wealth, Children, and Pleasure: In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says: “Ask forgiveness (from) your Lord. Indeed, He is Oft-Forgiving. He will send down (rain from) the sky upon you (in) abundance, And provide you with wealth and children, and make for you gardens and make for you rivers.”(Quran, 71:10-12).

 In this verse, Allah Almighty is promising us that wealth comes with Istighfar, as do children. Istighfar will open the doors that have been closed until today. Wealth and children come from Allah and it is in turning to Him that we will get them, not in turning away from Him. So it means Istighfar is the gateway to productivity.

A Ticket to Heaven (Paradise):

 Allah has promised and guaranteed a place in heaven (paradise) for His servants who always do Istighfar. This shows the importance of Istighfar because every Muslim’s dream is to go to heaven after death.

Give strength to the prayer:

 Allah promises those who do Istighfar regularly to give a good life continuously throughout the life of the world until it comes to an end and gives various advantages and benefits to those who always Istighfar and beg from Him. We will get more spirit and strength by saying Istighfar every day.
We need Istighfar to constantly purify and cleanse our hearts. We are not born in sin, but we are born in weakness. We are prostrate to fall prey to the many fascinations that are part of our test in this life. And when we fall into these provocations and commit sins it takes us far away from our Lord.
But there is hope for those who want to seek forgiveness from Almighty Allah and the best is by doing Istighfar. The one who does Istighfar and admits his weakness to Allah becomes nearer to Him. May Allah give us the strength to seek forgiveness for our sins that we did and also give us the strength to do righteous deeds, Ameen!

8 Benefits of Istighfar from the Holy Quran

Islam is the religion of peace and love that provides its followers with complete guidelines on how to live a meaningful life. Perfection is only the quality of Almighty Allah. Human beings were always flawed and they did commit sins. Allah (SWT) bestowed humans a free will that often leads them to commit sins whether small or earnest.
Allah Almighty also provided an easy supplication “Astaghfirullah” that when done with complete sincerity will lead to the elimination of sins no matter how small or grave, they are. Istighfar (means “I seek forgiveness from Almighty Allah”) is what removes our sins and helps us to attain the goal of Paradise.
It is the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to seek Istighfar 100 times daily. In the Holy Quran, Istighfar is seen as portraying the strength and support of Allah which leads to attaining closeness to Allah and redemption. The Holy Quran states: “But surely the righteous will be in the midst of gardens and springs, receiving what the Lord will give them; for they used to do good before that. They used to sleep but a little of the night, and at the dawn of the day they sought forgiveness…” (Quran, 51:16-19)

8 Benefits of Istighfar from the Holy Quran


8 Benefits of Istighfar from the Holy Quran




Allah Almighty is so Kind, Loving, Caring, and Merciful that He blesses a Muslim with more than he could imagine when he truly asks for forgiveness from Almighty Allah. Below are the 8 benefits of Istighfar from the Noble Quran.

Istighfar opens the door of Mercy. Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran: “Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver.” (Quran, 71:10)

Forgiveness is one of the causes for Allah Almighty to send rain down. It is symbolic as well for Allah Almighty to increase us in our provision and mercy. In the Holy Quran, it is stated that: “He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers” (Quran, 71:11).

Forgiveness gives you wealth and children. The Quran says, “And give you increase in wealth and children.”(Quran, 71:12)

For seeking Istighfar, Allah Almighty promises us that we will be given gardens and rivers. It could be in this world and the hereafter or only in the hereafter. We all know that gardens and rivers are the most common description of paradise. In the Holy Quran Allah (SWT) says: “… and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers.” (Quran, 71:12)

One should make Istighfar, Allah will give him/her strength. If we are struggling with heartbreak, let us make Istighfar, Allah Almighty will provide us the strength to get over it.
 Allah Almighty stated in the Holy Quran: “…ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him. He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in showers and increase you in strength [added] to your strength.” (Quran, 11:52)

Seeking forgiveness by doing Istighfar provides sustenance. The Holy Quran says, “Seek forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him, [and] He will let you enjoy a good provision for a specified term and give every doer of favor His favor.” (Quran, 11:3)

Those who repent with a sincere heart will not be punished. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: “And Allah would not punish them while they seek forgiveness.”(Quran, 8:33)
“My Lord, forgive me and grant me a kingdom such as will not belong to anyone after me. Indeed, You are the Bestower” (Quran, 38:35). The Prophet Solomon (AS) was given a kingdom that no one will ever be given after him. And he started his dua while making Istighfar to Allah.

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