50 Commonly used Arabic words in India

50 Commonly used Arabic words in India




Arabic has had a significant influence on the Indian subcontinent, particularly in the fields of religion, culture, and language. However, the usage of Arabic words in India varies depending on the region, religion, and social context. Here are some commonly used Arabic words in India:

  1. Inshallah (إن شاء الله) – God willing
  2. Alhamdulillah (الحمد لله) – All praise is due to God
  3. Assalamu alaikum (السلام عليكم) – Peace be upon you (Islamic greeting)
  4. Masha’Allah (ما شاء الله) – God has willed it (used to express appreciation or praise)
  5. SubhanAllah (سبحان الله) – Glory be to God
  6. JazakAllah (جزاك الله) – May God reward you
  7. Astaghfirullah (أستغفر الله) – I seek forgiveness from God
  8. Bismillah (بسم الله) – In the name of God
  9. Qibla (قبلة) – The direction of the Kaaba in Mecca towards which Muslims pray
  10. Zakat (زكاة) – One of the five pillars of Islam, which is an obligatory charity paid by Muslims.


  1. Habibi (حبيبي) – My beloved (used as a term of endearment)
  2. Salaam (سلام) – Peace (used as a greeting or farewell)
  3. Shukran (شكرا) – Thank you
  4. Allah (الله) – God
  5. Fatwa (فتوى) – A legal ruling or opinion on Islamic law issued by a qualified Islamic scholar
  6. Halaal (حلال) – Permissible or lawful according to Islamic law
  7. Haram (حرام) – Forbidden or unlawful according to Islamic law
  8. Hijab (حجاب) – A head covering worn by Muslim women
  9. Imam (إمام) – A religious leader, specifically a leader of prayer in a mosque
  10. Madrasa (مدرسة) – A school or educational institution, often associated with Islamic religious education.


  1. Khuda Hafiz (خدا حافظ) – God protect you (used as a farewell in Urdu)
  2. Mubarak (مبارك) – Blessed or congratulations (used to express good wishes)
  3. Rabb (رب) – Lord or God
  4. Sahih (صحيح) – Authentic or correct (often used in reference to Islamic texts)
  5. Taqwa (تقوى) – Piety or fear of God
  6. Wudu (وضوء) – Ritual washing of specific body parts before prayer in Islam
  7. Eid (عيد) – A Muslim holiday or festival, such as Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha
  8. Fajr (فجر) – The first of the five daily prayers in Islam, performed before sunrise
  9. Hajj (حج) – The pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims are required to make at least once in their lifetime, if financially and physically able
  10. Zakariya (زكريا) – The Arabic name for the prophet Zacharias in Islam.


  1. Adhan (أذان) – The Islamic call to prayer
  2. Ameen (آمين) – Amen (used to affirm or support a statement, prayer or blessing)
  3. Dua (دعاء) – A prayer or supplication, often made by Muslims
  4. Fatiha (فاتحة) – The opening chapter of the Quran, often recited at the beginning of Islamic prayer or as a form of remembrance or supplication
  5. Ghazi (غازي) – A warrior or conqueror, often used in reference to historical Muslim leaders who fought in battles or wars
  6. Iftar (إفطار) – The breaking of the fast at sunset during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan
  7. Jinn (جن) – A supernatural creature or spirit, often mentioned in Islamic mythology
  8. Masjid (مسجد) – A mosque or Islamic place of worship
  9. Nafs (نفس) – The soul or self, often used in the context of Islamic philosophy and spirituality
  10. Zikr (ذكر) – Remembrance or mention of God, often through chanting or repetition of phrases.



  1. Kaffiyeh (كوفية) – A traditional Middle Eastern headdress worn by both men and women, often used as a symbol of Palestinian nationalism
  2. Marhaba (مرحبا) – Hello or welcome (used as a greeting in Arabic-speaking cultures)
  3. Qalam (قلم) – A pen, often used in reference to the traditional reed pens used in calligraphy
  4. Raka’ah (ركعة) – A unit of Islamic prayer, consisting of a series of specific movements and recitations
  5. Shahada (شهادة) – The Islamic declaration of faith, stating that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his prophet
  6. Surah (سورة) – A chapter of the Quran, of which there are 114 in total
  7. Tafsir (تفسير) – The interpretation or explanation of the Quran, often provided by Islamic scholars or commentators
  8. Ummah (أمة) – The Muslim community as a whole, often used in reference to the global Muslim community
  9. Wahhabism (الوهابية) – A conservative and puritanical form of Sunni Islam, often associated with the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab
  10. Ziyarat (زيارة) – A visit to a holy site or shrine, often undertaken by Muslims for spiritual reasons.


  1. Qibla (قبلة) – The direction of the Kaaba in Mecca towards which Muslims face during prayer
  2. Hadith (حديث) – The recorded sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, used as a source of Islamic law and guidance
  3. Halal (حلال) – Permissible or lawful according to Islamic law, often used in reference to food, drink, and other products
  4. Haram (حرام) – Forbidden or unlawful according to Islamic law, often used in reference to activities or practices that are considered sinful or immoral
  5. Hijab (حجاب) – A veil or head covering worn by some Muslim women as a sign of modesty and religious observance
  6. Ihsan (إحسان) – The highest level of spiritual excellence and moral virtue in Islam, often translated as “perfection” or “excellence”
  7. Insha’Allah (إن شاء الله) – If God wills it (used to express the hope or intention that something will happen)
  8. Istikhara (استخارة) – A prayer seeking guidance or advice from God, often performed by Muslims when making important decisions
  9. Jannah (جنة) – Paradise or heaven in Islamic belief, often used in reference to the afterlife
  10. Mawlid (مولد) – The celebration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, often observed with prayers, feasts, and other festive activities.





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