Zameen Puchti Hai Namazi Kahan Hai Naat Lyrics
Zameen Puchti Hai Namazi Kahan Hai Naat Lyrics

Zameen Puchti Hai Namazi Kahan Hai Naat Lyrics

Zameen Puchti Hai Namazi Kahan Hai Naat Lyrics



Zameen Puchti Hai Namazi Kahan Hai Naat Lyrics
Zameen Puchti Hai Namazi Kahan Hai Naat Lyrics



Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah

Wo dhoopon me tapti zameenon pe sajde
Safar me wo ghodon ki zeenon pe sajde

Chattanon ki unchi jabeenon pe sajde
Wo sehra bayaban ke seenon pe sajde

Halalat pe sajde museebat me sajde
Wo faqon me hajat me ghurbat me sajde

Wo jangon jadal me harasat me sajde
Laga teer zakhmon ki halat me sajde

Wo gharon ki wahshat me purnoor sajde
Wo khanjar ke saye me masroor sajde

Wo raton ko khalwat se maamoor sajde
Wo lambi rakaton se mashoor sajde

Wo sajde muhafiz madadgar sajde
Ghamon ke moqabil ‘atardar sajde

Najaat aur bakhshish ke salar sajde
Jhuka sar to bante the talwar sajde

Wo sajdon ke shauqeen ghazi kahan hain
Zameen poochhti hai namazi kahan hain
Zameen poochhti hai namazi kahan hain

Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah

Hamare bujhe dil se bezar sajde
Khayalon me uljhe huye char sajde

Musallen hain resham ke beemar sajde
Chamakti deewaron me laachar sajde

Riyakar sajde nadar sajde
Benoor bezauq murdar sajde

Saron ke sitam se hain sangsar sajde
Dilon ki nahoosat se masmar sajde

Hai mafroor sajde hain maghroor sajde
Hai kamzor be jaan m’azoor sajde

Gunahon ki chakki me hai choor sajde
Ghaseete ghulamon se majboor sajde

Ke sajdon me sar hai bhatakte hain sajde
Sarasar saron par latakte hain sajde

Nigahen khuzu me khatakte hain sajde
Du’aon se daman jhatakte hain sajde

Wo sajdon ke shauqeen ghazi kahan hain
Zameen puchhti hai namazi kahan hain
Zameen puchhti hai namazi kahan hain

Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah

Chalo aao karte hain tauba ke sajde
Bahut tishnagi se tawajjo ke sajde

Maseeha ke aage madawa ke sajde
Nidamat se sarkham shikasta se sajde

Raza wale sajde wafa wale sajde
Amal ki taraf rahnuma wale sajde

Sarapa adab iltija wale sajde
Bahut ‘ajizi se haya wale sajde

Nigahon ke darban rudar sajde
Wo chehre ki zohra chamakdar sajde

Sarasar badal de jo kirdar sajde
Ke ban jayen jeene ke atwar sajde

Khuzu ki quba me yaqeen wale sajde
Lahad ke makeen hamnasheen wale sajde

Hon Sh’afi ya Mehshar jabeen wale sajde
Hon Sh’afi ya Mehshar jabeen wale sajde

Wo sajdon ke shauqeen ghazi kahan hain
Zameen poochhti hai namazi kahan hain
Zameen poochhti hai namazi kahan hain

Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah




Zameen Puchti Hai Namazi Kahan Hai Naat Lyrics
Zameen Puchti Hai Namazi Kahan Hai Naat Lyrics



Faith Must Be Correct
The information grasped by sense organs and the mind is helpful
to attain îmân. Scientific knowledge helps one understand and
know that the orderliness, the regularity of the universe is not
accidental and there is one creator. Thus it helps one attain îmân.
Îmân means to learn the knowledge brought by the last prophet
Hadrat Muhammad ’alaihis-salâm from Allahu ta’âlâ and to
believe them. It is to disbelieve in the Prophets if one says, “I will
believe them on the condition that they are in accordance with the
mind.” The religious knowledge is not the findings of the
possessors of reason. What our Prophet Hadrat Muhammad
’alaihis-salâm communicated must be learned from the books of
the Ahl as- Sunnat scholars and they must be believed accordingly.
To have a correct and acceptable belief, it is necessary to abide by
the below-mentioned conditions as well:
1- Îmân must be continuous and steadfast. We must not intend
to abandon it even for a moment. Anyone who desires to become
a disbeliever three years later becomes a disbeliever as soon as one
wishes that.
2- The faith of the believer must be between hawf (fear) and
rajâ (hope). We must fear the torment of Allahu ta’âlâ, however,
we must not give up hope of His Rahmat (Allah’s Mercy). We must
beware of each sin; we must fear that we might lose our
îmân due to our sins. Even if one has committed every sinful deed,
one must not be destitute of hope of being forgiven by Allahu
ta’âlâ. We must repent of our sins. For, those who repent of sins
are like as if they never committed them.
3- One must have faith before his soul reaches the throat
(during his death). When the soul reaches the throat, one is shown
all the events of the Hereafter. At that time, every disbeliever
wants to have the faith. However, îmân must be in the unseen. It is
necessary to believe before seeing it. After you have seen it, it is
not îmân anymore. However, the repentance of the believers is

acceptable at that moment.
4- One must have îmân before the sun rises in the west. One of
the major symptom of Doomsday is that the sun rises in the west.
All people who see this will believe. However, their îmân will not
be accepted. The gate of repentance will have been closed then.
5- One must believe that no one except Allahu ta’âlâ knows the
ghayb, the hidden things. That is, only Allahu ta’âlâ knows the
ghayb. Those who are informed by Him of the hidden things know
them as well. Angels, genies, devils, and even Prophets cannot know
the ghayb. However, if Allah informs His prophets or His dear
slaves, then they also know it.
6- One must not deny, without having been forced or doing so
deliberately, any rule of the religion about the belief or the
worships. It is disbelief to slight the Ahkâm-i islâmiyya, that is, one
of the commands or the prohibitions of Islam, to make a mockery of
the Qur’ân al-karîm, angels or one of the Prophets, or to deny –
without having been forced – anything communicated by them. He
who verbally denies the existence of Allahu ta’âlâ, angels, the fard,
quality of ghusl or namâz, due to a strong necessity such as being
threatened with murder, does not become a disbeliever.
7- One must not doubt or hesitate about the indispensable
knowledge openly communicated by the Islamic religion. It causes
disbelief if one doubts whether namâz is fard, or whether drinking
wine and other alcoholic beverages, gambling, interest (ribâ’),
and bribery are harâm (forbidden). To say harâm about a well-known
halâl or to say halâl about a well-known harâm causes disbelief.
8- Îmân must be under what Islam communicated
(The faith must be based on Islam). To believe in the things
understood by the mind, or to believe the religion according to
statements of philosophers or false scientists is not îmân. One must
believe in the manner communicated by Muhammad ’alaihissalâm.
9- Those who have faith must love only for the sake of Allahu
ta’âlâ and they must feel enmity only for the sake of Allahu ta’âlâ.
It is necessary to love Muslims who are loved by Allahu ta’âlâ and
to dislike people who commit animosities toward Islam by hand or
by pen. This enmity must take place in the heart.
[We must treat non-Muslim citizens or foreigners with a
smiling face and gentle words. With our beautiful ethics, we must
make them love our religion.]

10- It is necessary to believe in the manner in which true Muslims
do not follow the right path shown by our Prophet ’alaihissalâm and his Companions. To have a correct belief, one must
believe according to the tenets of the creed of Ahl as-Sunnat waljamâ’at. [A person who adheres to the true religious books written
by the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnat will attain thawâb (blessings,
rewards in the Hereafter) equal to the total sum of the thawâb that
will be given to a hundred people who have attained martyrdom.
The scholars affiliated with any one of the four Madhhabs of
Muslims are (scholars of Ahl as-Sunnat). Imâm a’zam Abû Hanîfa
is the leader of the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnat. Rasûlullah ’alaihissalâm stated to his Sahâba the facts that Allahu ta’âlâ dictated to
him. And the Sahâba, in their turn, conveyed those facts to their
disciples (the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnat), who in their turn wrote
them in their books.]



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